Can Fashion And Body Positivity Go Hand In Hand?

Can Fashion And Body Positivity Go Hand In Hand?

Let’s go back in time and remember how those tall, sleek models captivated our attention. Don’t we all want to turn into one of them when we grow up? That’s how strong an impact fashion creates on our minds. 

Fashion has always taught us that in order to contest a beauty pageant or become a recognized model, you must have that hourglass figure. Sadly, this concept has shaken the roots of various cultures, and individuals are highly disturbed by it. 

People who are plus-sized don’t find them desirable enough, and they end up depressed and outcasted. We ask ourselves if the fashion industry is changing. Has it started embracing all body types, or does the stigma still exist?

Fashion and body positivity are the two main topics of our discussion today. So, if you are interested in either of them or both, make sure to read this till the end. 

How Did Fashion Impact Our Description Of A “Flawless” Body?

How Did Fashion Impact Our Description Of A “Flawless” Body_

There was a time when Michel Foucault, a social theorist, resembled bodies as docile objects. According to his theory, a human body is not only easy to control but can rarely stop it from being acted upon by discourses in society. 

Every big or small issue or trend has an impact on human minds, and they suddenly start transitioning their body. Too thin, too fat, too curvy- nothing is satisfactory in this not-so-ideal world. 

And it’s not like you wouldn’t get affected, even if you don’t want to. We live in a high-paced, interconnected world where everything is available easily. Social media are no less when it comes to encouraging or discouraging body types. 

Be it men or women, be it a 16-year-old adolescent or a 40+ homemaker, trust me- nobody has been spared from the brutal chain of body shaming. 9 out of 10 people say they have been commented at least once in their lifetime on their body type, skin, or color. 

There is constant pressure from mainstream media channels and fashion shows to look good. There’s the #10days challenge, #weightlossjourney challenge, and so many more to lower our self-confidence. 

So, the simple answer would be yes! Fashion has left no stone unturned in feeding our minds about a certain body type or skin color. Not being upto the mark simply puts you off of the list. 

Fast Fashion and body positivity: Where’s The Relation? 

Fast Fashion and body positivity_ Where’s The Relation_

Consumer culture brings fast fashion and the global beauty industry under common ground. Both pave the way for an individual to immediately change their looks with every changing trend. No, no, don’t get carried away because the duo is actually unwholesome. 

There were days when our clothes decided our personality, our subculture belongings, or our taste of music. Fortunately, those do not serve the same purpose anymore. It is easy for people to switch from one style to another without having to commit. 

The relation between body positivity and fashion is comprehensible. But fast fashion is no good news for the world. The massive production of outfits all at once has tremendous disadvantages for consumers as well as the people working for them. 

Thus, there are no signs of body positivity here because the goal is completely different. It has nothing to do with embracing what we are. What’s even more disturbing is that people accept this societal pressure very easily. 

Neither do they find it disrespectful, nor do they complain about it. Fashion has made us slaves into thinking that we aren’t perfect. Our bodies are not good to be seen. The narratives have been set globally, and it’s difficult to alter them. 

What’s The Psychological Impact of Fashion On Self-Esteem?

What’s The Psychological Impact of Fashion On Self-Esteem_

A simple comment on our personal pictures or videos makes us highly doubtful about our identity. Now imagine a person who has been constantly bullied all their lives for being fat, too slim, or too dark. How low their self-esteem would be. Here are a few facts related to it:

  • One out of every five models is scared of judgment and is most likely to develop Fashion Imposter Syndrome. This mental condition leads a person to self-doubt, and they lack the confidence to take part in a new fashion trend
  • Fashion also creates too much pressure in the minds of celebs or models, and they start feeling inauthentic and fake in their own skin. Trends are meant to change immediately, and it’s impossible to be fashionable every day. 
  • The Internal Conference on Addiction and Associated Disorders pointed out that individuals associated with the fashion sector have 25% more chances of developing a mental condition. Glamour is synonymous with the industry, which has become an addiction for many people. 
  • Those who have been fat-shamed or color-shamed all their lives turn out to be anti-social. They find it difficult to adjust to an environment with too many people because they are “too scared to being judged.”
Theories Related To Fashion And Body Positivity

It could be safe to say that the fashion industry is slowly comprehending the concerns about body issues that are pouring from all over the world. Simultaneously, they have started making efforts to address this issue. 

A Northwestern University study in 2012 revealed that donning a certain outfit has tangible impacts on the psychology and performance of the wearer. This perspective has been termed as “enclothed cognition” and is extremely common among people. 

Body-positive clothing has a positive impact on a person’s overall health. An advocate’s gown or a military uniform gives them the confidence to perform better, and various studies have already proved this. 

On the flip side, there’s “cognitive dissonance,” which means a psychological phenomenon where our actions result in conflict and, ultimately, mental uneasiness. In order to bring down this discomfort, a person tries to convince himself to carry out the unnecessary expectations of society. 

Certain TV shows and movies like Dietland and I Feel Pretty have certainly shed light on the issue and paved the way for body positivity. Prettiness isn’t a tangible object, it’s a feeling that comes from within. 

Getting Started On Body Positivity

Getting Started On Body Positivity

Self-image acceptance begins with us. Unless we start realizing the uniqueness within us and celebrate it, there’s no way we could expect people to do so. It takes courage to be “imperfect” in a perfect world and celebrate it like there’s no tomorrow. 

So, my ladies and, of course, boys, here are a handful of my personal suggestions that would help you recognize how beautifully unfit we all are!

It’s time we start recognizing our body type

First things first, recognize your unique body type. Is it apple-shaped, or is it hourglass? What is it? Every body type is distinctive, and there’s no shame in accepting our flawless figures. 

Once we identify our body types, it becomes a lot easier to find outfits that flatter us. For instance, a pear-shaped lady must opt for an outfit that accentuates her waistline or flatter her hips. 

Dress according to your size

It is illogical to fit into outfits that are not suitable for a particular body type. I mean, nobody is blind, right? They can see how unfit this particular outfit is on your body.

It also gives the spectator a trigger warning that you don’t respect your body type enough and that you want to be someone else. 

We must realize the importance of dressing accurately according to our size, even if it makes us look fluffy or bulky or anything else. 

Don’t let judgments shake your confidence

One of the bitterest truths is you cannot satisfy everyone. No matter how well you try to look good, somebody is always going to pull you down. 

But who needs them? Surrounding ourselves with people who bring out the best in us is important. It could be your parents, friends, a colleague, or even a stranger. 

Embracing your imperfections is one of the toughest things to do. But once somebody champions it, trust me, there’s no looking back!

Concluding Words

All I have to say about this is that body positivity is way ahead of what the fashion world thinks of. It is good news that some clothing manufacturers have already started promoting body positivity, but it isn’t enough for a world full of hate. 

In such a situation, we can welcome change by changing our own selves. You might be pretty, slim, tall, and beautiful. But that doesn’t give any of us the right to look down upon others. 

Society upliftment is important, mostly in the form of awareness. If primary fashion industries join together and promote inclusive fashion trends, the world would become a much happier place to thrive in. 

With that, here’s an end to the comprehensive guide to fashion and body positivity. You can read more of such articles by following us. Also, don’t forget to comment below!

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