If you are searching for the best types of head wraps for women, you have reached the end of your destination.
Head wraps, or headwraps, however, you may want to spell it, are one of the oldest fashion and utilitarian accessories in the world. And it still exists. It is worn by the sub-Saharan African women living in the desert’s scorching heat and dry weather conditions.
While the headscarf or hair scarf previously was worn only to protect the women and their hair from the weather and the dirt, the time has changed. Women nowadays wear head wraps as a fashion statement.
Keep scrolling till the end to learn about the types of head wraps for women that you should know about…
Types Of Head Wrap For Women: These Are Gold!
Searching for the best types of head wraps for women? You have reached the right place. In this article, I will be discussing some of the best and most popular styles of head wraps for women.
So without further ado, let us get right into it!
1. Hijab

Even though you might think that this was not the one that you were expecting, let’s face it! The hijab is a piece of cloth that covers the head. So in a way, it is a head wrap for women.
There are many ways in which you can wear a hijab, but the traditional one is the best. This is also one of the two ways of head wraps for white women in which they wear it. The other one? You’ll find that below.
2. Chador

Another extremely traditional form of head wrap is the chador. The women of Afghanistan traditionally wear this. It covers their entire head as well as significant parts of the body.
This type of head wrap is a semi-circular piece of cloth that is open in the front. And did I tell you that there is no opening for the hands? Instead, it is simply held tight and close by the wearer.
3. Sudanese Headwrap

Coming to the origin of the style of head wrap that is famous now, I present to you the Sudanese head wrap.
Keeping in mind that it is a part of the traditional and cultural attire of the women of Africa (specifically, the sub-Saharan region), it is worn in order to protect the hair from the weather and dirt of the area.
4. Grace Kelly Style Head Wrap

Who does not know the famous Hollywood actress Grace Kelly? One of the most beautiful women on earth, Grace Kelly, popularized her way of wearing the headscarf.
While it was worn when she was driving the car in France, it is essential for you to know that it is one of the best ways in which you can combat the wind while driving.
It is a perfect head wrap because there is no need for you to tie it. Rather, simply wrap it around the neck after covering your head and tuck it in.
5. Turban Head Wrap

Even though the word ‘turban’ might make you think about a middle-aged Sikh man dancing to Tunak Tunak, there is something else that you need to know. Apart from the already mentioned imagination, Turban head wraps for women are a thing, and that too a popular one.
If you think that you do not have enough volume in your hair, there is no need to worry. You can still rock this type of head wrap and let it create the illusion that you do have voluminous hair.
6. Silk Head Wrap

Is there anything more elegant or more delicate than satin? The way in which the fabric delicately falls and flows is sketching to die for. Not only does it give a feminine touch to the look, but it also ensures that it promotes the health of your hair.
You can use a satin head wrap and tie it in any way you want. And I assure you that it will still look great.
7. High Bun Head Wrap

This is yet another way in which the African women would tie their head scarf.
If you are someone who has a lot of hair or would want to emphasize the volume of the hair, then this is the style of head wrap that you should go for. It is also one of the head wraps for women who like to have box braids.
8. Babushka Head Wraps For Women

Remember those Russian dolls that we used to play with as a child? The one where you find endless dolls as you keep opening one? Those were the babushka dolls. And the way in which the headscarf or head wrap was painted on the dolls is the babushka head wrap.
The Babushka is one of the traditional ways in which the Russian women wear their head wrap. In this, you need to fold the scarf in a triangle and simply tie the ends at the neck after covering your hair. Easy, isn’t it?
9. Rosette Head Wraps For Women

If you are planning to have a full-blown Rosette head wrap or Rosette turban, you have come to the right place. The main focus of this headwrap is the fact that it covers the entire head and ultimately forms the shape of a rose at the top of the head.
It not only looks elegant, but it is also a great way in which you can ensure that your hair is secured and in position. Also, if you think you are having a bad hair day, this is one of the best ways in which you can save the day!
10. Low Bun Head Wraps For Women

While many of you may think that head wraps can only be worn in a particular way, I hope, reading this blog, you have now understood that there is no one correct way of wearing it. That is the reason the last on the list is the low bun head wrap.
It is very easy to do and extremely simple when it comes to the look. But as the saying goes, there is beauty in simplicity. Also, if you are searching for head wraps for women with cancer, this is probably the style that you may find online.
11. Bandana Head Wrap For Women

Bandanas are one of the most popular hair accessories in the world. This unisexual piece of cloth has been popularized not only by social media influencers but also by celebrities from around the world.
That is the reason why I bring to you the way in which you can use the bandana as a head wrap for women.
Simply fold the piece of cloth and put it on top of your head. Remember to put the triangular side at the back of the head. Then tie it at the nape, below all the hair. And that is all. You are all good to go!
Some Head Wrap Styles You Will Love In 2023
So, you have the best ideas about the most popular head wraps in 2023. But do you know to style them to enhance your look?
Here are some cool ideas for you to try.
Wear Your Head Wrap With A Front Knot
You can easily use your head wrap to make a front knot that goes well with various outfits and a plethora of styling options you want to try. So, without much ado, let’s get to how you can tie a head wrap with a front knot.
- Cover your head with the wrap.
- Ensure that the open ends of the head wrap are at the front. The open ends should be over your face before you tie the front knot.
- Now, use your hair or only the loose ends of the wrap (if you have short hair or a shaved head) to create the knot.
- Be precise and ensure that the knot is properly secured on your head. It should not fall or get messed with movements.
- If there are loose ends of the head wrap, tuck them properly inside your head wrap.
Aren’t you loving this hairstyling idea that makes you look confident? Get a printed head wrap or something in bright shades to accentuate the style.
Wear Your Headwrap Like A Headband

Head wraps are beautiful because you can wear them in different ways. One of the simplest styles to try with head wraps is wearing it like a headband.
Here is the step-by-step guide on how to wear your headwrap like a headband.
- Take your headwrap and fold it so that it becomes half in size lengthwise.
- Create a loop by tying the open ends together.
- Now, put the loop up so that the loop remains seated on your forehead.
- Tie the ends of the wrap into a knot at the back of your head.
Be careful while tying the knot at the back. The band needs to remain fitted on your head.
Create A Bow At The Front With Your Head Wrap

Have you got a colorful or printed head wrap? It’s time to try a bow style.
- Take a head wrap and place it on your head.
- Make sure that the ends of the wrap are even.
- Create a small loop with one end of the wrap.
- Take the other end of the wrap to make a loop closer to the loop made previously.
- Now, you need to pull both the loops tightly to make a bow.
Frequently Asked Questions
Now that you have reached almost the end of the article, I hope most of your doubts have already been answered. However, if there are still some, I would ask you to read some of these questions that readers frequently ask.
Ans: Other terms that are used to denote head wraps are:
⦿ Cap
⦿ Headdress
⦿ Headpiece
⦿ Chapeau
Ans: Women generally wear headwraps. And even though it has certain cultural associations, literally all women of any skin color, age, and ethnicity can wear head wraps.
Ans: Headwraps, also known as headscarves, is the traditional attire of African culture. The main purpose of this piece of cloth is to protect the head and the hair from wind, rain, dirt, warmth, and cold. However, at present, it is used as a style and fashion element.
And That’s A Wrap!
Headwraps or head wraps, however, you may want to call them, are one of the most trending accessories at present. Even though it is a part of the traditional sub-Saharan culture, almost all women can wear it. And they are. That is the reason why you may be able to see various types and styles of head wraps for women.
In case you were searching for the types of head wraps for women, I hope you found this article to be of help. Also, if there are any other queries or doubts regarding the same, feel free to write them down in the comment section below. Till then, take care!
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