Honeynut squash recipes

Honeynut Squash The New Pumpkin For Fall Season?

The crinkling orange leaves and the cloudy skies. Reading the best Autumn mysteries by a candle while the fires crack. Gutting the pumpkin for decors while the best honeynut squash is kept for the Thanksgiving menu. Yes, it does paint a pretty picture!

A picture of the Fall time is coming!

It is no surprise that you are looking for honeynut squash recipes to try this October. Although, traditionally, pumpkin is the more suitable choice of Fall delicacies, honeynut squashes are quite the popular choice this year.

We have a feeling it is a trend we are less likely to forget in the upcoming years as well. So, prepare yourself for the best squash recipes this year. Who knows, this might turn into a Thanksgiving tradition!

Recipes To Try Out This Fall Season

Get the best honeynut squash recipes for the Fall season.
Get the best honeynut squash recipes for the Fall season

Without any further ado, let’s jump into the most delicious honeynut squash dishes you can prepare this season.

The best part about this recipe selection is:

You do not have to be a Michelin-star chef to prepare these!

They are straightforward, easy, impossible to mess up, and not to mention delicious!

Do not worry; for all you healthy junkies trying to get rid of the back fat before Christmas, we have tried to make these recipes as least unhealthy as possible.

Honeynut Squash Soup

Honeynut squash soup, perfect for the soup season.
Honeynut squash soup, perfect for the soup season

This was the obvious choice because the first thing that comes to our mind when we think of Fall is:

Soup season!

The ultimate comfort food when the sun does not seem to shine upon us. On those gloomy days when non-stop rain knocks on our windowpane, soup provides us with warm comfort. So, this is how you can prepare the best honeynut squash soup.

Prepare Time: 1 ½ HOURS.


  • Unsalted butter – 2 tbsp
  • Gloves of garlic thinly sliced – the amount depends on how garlicky you want your soup to taste. Garlic is also good for treating hay fever and viral diseases due to the changing seasons).
  • Chopped yellow onion -1
  • Medium honeynut squash – 2. Peel them and cut them into 1-inch pieces in 9 cups.
  • Reduced sodium vegetable broth – 7 cups.
  • Honey – 2 tbsp
  • Cayenne Pepper – Depending on the heat you can take.
  • Reduced fat sour cream – 4 tbsp
  • Nutmeg – ¼ tbsp
  • Salt – According to your taste.
  • Water – 2 tbsp

How To Prepare

  • First, melt the butter in a Dutch oven pan. The heat should not cross the medium. Gently stir until the butter is golden brown and starts smelling like nuts.
  • Second, when you reach the right consistency, start adding your chopped aromatics like onion, ginger, and sage (at the final sauteing stage).
  • Third, add your chopped honeynut squash and your broth.
  • Fourth, increase the heat to bring it to a boil. Keep the broth boiling for at least 30 minutes. This is when you reduce the heat to medium.
  • Fifth, when the squash has reached a smooshy consistency, you can transfer it to a blender. Keep the top open for the steam to release, and cover it with a kitchen towel for any spillage.
  • Sixth, add sour cream and water before blending.
  • Seventh, add the mixture back to the pot and add nutmeg and cayenne pepper. Stir it until soft boil.
  • Eighth, transfer your freshly prepared honeynut squash soup to the bowl and garnish with sour cream.

Honeynut Squash Pasta Salad

Bite size bow-tie pasta perfect for this recipe.
Bite size bow-tie pasta perfect for this recipe

For every healthy junky, this is the perfect squash recipe to enjoy this Fall season. Plus, the preparation is so simple this is going to be your favorite dinner recipe for the month of October.

Prepare Time: 1 HOUR (if you do not have all your greens and proteins chopped).


  • Half a honeynut squash chopped into cubes. The best part about this vegetable is its nutritional value. It is packed with vitamins A, B6, C, and E. Plus, they can also provide magnesium and potassium. Thus, it is great when you are lacking electrolytes after a long day. They are good for your skin, and the sweetness will counter the sugar in your diet.
  • Bow-tie pasta – one cup.
  • Brussel sprouts – This is to add your greens and leafy texture to the salad. If you do not like Brussels sprouts, add any crunchy green to your salad. Some of the nutritional picks are kale, broccoli, cabbage, and lettuce. However, stay away from iceberg lettuce because they have no nutritional value.
  • Choice of protein – Protein will help you feel fuller, especially if the salad is an important meal. For example, a dinner or lunch. Chicken is the best option, but if you are a vegan, soybean chunks are the way to go.
  • Cranberries – 4 tbsp
  • Salt – According to your taste.
  • Oil oil – ¼ cup.
  • Choice of salad dressing – ¼ cup.

How To Prepare

  • First, chop your honeynut squash into bite-size cubes.
  • Second, massage your greens with enough olive oil and salt. This will bring out their flavor and prevent them from tasting bland.
  • Third, boil your pasta in salt water.
  • Fourth, boil your protein and shred them into bite-size portions.
  • Fifth, assemble everything and add the salad dressing.
  • Sixth, mix well and enjoy your very fall-inspired salad bowl.

Other Simple Honeynut Squash Recipes

These are trending ones that will be on everyone’s mind. However, if you are looking for something simple, then here are a few more honey nut squash recipes to enjoy!

Roasted Honeynut Squash
  • Roasted Honeynut Squash: You will need one squash. Roast them in a barbeque, or simply put them in the oven for an hour. Rub some cajun seasoning, and enjoy.
Quinoa Stuffed Squash
  • Quinoa Stuffed Squash: Another simple snack to prepare. Boil and season your quinoa with spices and herbs. Roast your honeynut squash, then gut the middle. Add the gutted portion with your quinoa and place the mixture into the hollow area. No need for a plate; just grab a spoon.
Spaghetti Honeynut Squash
  • Spaghetti Honeynut Squash: This is an ingenious idea when you want to enjoy spaghetti but are afraid of too many carbs. Roast your squash and then shred it into longer hairs to make it look like spaghetti. Add your favorite seasoning and protein to enjoy this simple but nutritious dinner.

Make This Fall Season Extra Special

The season of thanks brings the cooks out of all of us. This is when we all want to dawn our aprons and indulge in the most delicious delicacies. The seasonal delight also comes with its unique palette of flavors. From the pumpkins and honeynut squashes to the sweet apples and cinnamon, Fall is indeed the perfect time to polish our cooking skills.

Hope that you liked our top two recipes that can adorn your Thanksgiving menu in 2023. If you are indeed an expert cook and have a few other honey nut squash recipes which our readers can try out, please do let us know in the comment section below.

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