5 Body Positive Quotes To Start Your Morning With!

Mony Shah

Embrace Your Natural Body Type!

"I never beat myself up or forced myself to look a certain way, and my goals have not been vanity-oriented.”- Drew Barrymore.

Plain Tummies Are A Myth!

I’ve never had a flat stomach. It just doesn’t happen, it’s just not going to happen, and it’s my little warm roll.”- Jameela Jamil.

Emma Watson On Accepting Herself

I don’t have perfect teeth. I’m not stick thin. I want to be the person who feels great in her body + can say that she loves it, + doesn’t want to change anything.”

Giving It Back To Trolls!

The body is such a commodity in our culture. People always comment on your weight. It's a very shameful thing to take more.”- Margaret Cho.

Unapologetic Body Expression

Sonya Renee Taylor lashes out at trolls, stating, “My body is not a tragedy. My body is not a burden. My body is not an apology!”