an introvert wish list for the new year
Healthy Living

An Introvert Wish List For The New Year: Things To Include To Be A Better Version Of Yourself

For me, an introvert, it’s often difficult to live up to the expectations of the people around me. Also, in the growing up years, it has been a struggle for me to cope up with the extrovert world during my growing up years. But, I have learned over time that knowing the sincere desires and wishes of the heart is most important, keeping what others want aside. So, as the Earth completes another journey around the Sun, I felt like making an introvert wish list for the new year. 

It tells you to nurture your habits and also inspires you to work on some new skills. Acquiring these new skills can be a great way to strike a balance between what you want and what you need to do. Ticking the things on your wishlist will also promote your personal improvements and evolutions.

Do you want to have a look at the new year wishlist I have made for an introvert? Let’s begin! 

An Introvert Wish List For The New Year (Toward Making A Better Version Of Yourself)

We all make certain resolutions at the beginning of every year. You must be familiar with the most common new year resolutions like “being fit,” “eating healthy,” or “buying a new house.”

For an introvert, the journey or the yearning for change/achievements is more internalized. It’s about learning and reassuring yourself of your presence, worth, and abilities. 

Nevertheless, before the air becomes very preachy, let me take you through an introvert wish list for the new year. You can make your to-do list by taking inspiration from this list.

Spend Some Time In Nature

Spend Some Time In Nature

It does not matter whether we are an extrovert or introvert. Amidst the busiest schedule, spending some time in nature is always a welcome relief. However, for introverts, the company of nature works like an effective therapy, and there are various aspects of how nature helps an introvert to become a better version of themselves. 

You Can Think And Be Reflective In Company Of Nature

Often, the chaos at our workplace and even home drifts us from our true selves. As we grow up and reach our mid-20s or 30s, our plates are already full of responsibilities. We know our priorities and are more focused on completing the chores.

As you grow the habit of taking a walk or jogging in nature, you can cut yourself off from all these things. Initially, you can wear headphones while running or walking. Play your favorite songs, especially the ones you used to love listening to when you were younger. Thus, you will get to reconnect with the little boy or girl in you

These sessions are also very reflective, giving birth to absolute clarity in your mind. You know that you are making your decisions and planning your day, even days ahead, with almost no confusion.

Nature Makes You Appreciate You And Everything Around You

You are going on a solo trek. You have limited resources, and you know that you have to spend your days with the things available around you. This is the beauty of nature.

As introverts, we often experience a whirlwind inside us and feel that our abilities and presence are not enough to exist in a group activity or a crowded setup. Nature teaches you survival instinct. It makes you learn how you can accept and appreciate your presence and everything around you

The experience is spiritual. You have the feeling that your presence itself is a blessing, and the fact that you are breathing, seeing, and experiencing so many things around you is magical.

Nature Boosts Your Creativity

We, introverts always have something going on inside us. We always look forward to ways that will help us to express our creativity. Nature always works to boost your creativity. Being creative does not mean that you have to paint like an expert or sing like a maestro. 

You can even take a photograph of the Sunset, get it framed, and use it as the wall decor of your drawing room. So, nature gives you a creative space where you can think, create, and rejuvenate.

Taking part in creative activities also makes you more introspective. Most importantly, your thought processes and your inner dialogues will become more positive if you explore the creative side of yourself.

Nature Teaches You To Welcome New And Unpredictable Things

Imagine a scenario. You are taking a stroll along a beach, and suddenly, a storm sets in. Will you be perturbed, or will you rush to a safe shelter and enjoy the beauty of nature at the moment?

As introverts, we love to make plans, and we want things to go our way. But nature and the sudden changes when you are in the company of nature make you more receptive and spontaneous. It’s not about holding yourself back and always following plans.

You learn that life can be unpredictable, and there will be changes that you probably never dreamt of. You have to get out of the cocoon you created and understand how the most beautiful things in life can be unplanned.

So, spend some time in nature and experience how your soul gets the right dose of rejuvenation. I don’t know how to put the experience or feeling in words. It’s like the whiff of the most aromatic tea you have in the morning.

Enjoy Silence Amidst Cacophony

Enjoy Silence Amidst Cacophony

Introverts are always in for spending their time alone. You will also notice a pattern in the places they love to visit. I love visiting quaint coffee shops, antique shops, and libraries. However, even these places are often crowded. Still, being an introvert, it’s not difficult for me to create my own space in those places. 

I can observe people, do my own stuff, and have a gala time reading books or enjoying my favorite sandwich. This is one habit that you can include in an introvert wish list for the new year. It’s called being alone in a crowd and enjoying bliss amidst chaos

Have you heard the term “Seijaku?” In Japanese, it means tranquility or stillness. When you embrace that, you can even remain the calmest within the massive turmoils and find joy in little things.

Try To Make Your Me-Time More Productive And Positive

Try To Make Your Me-Time More Productive And Positive

We love to spend time with ourselves. Ask any day. Our choice will be to enjoy our favorite cocktail drink and watch a good movie or read a book.

Further, if you are an introvert, make sure that you squeeze out that “me-time” for you. Trust me! It is not a luxury, and it’s a need for all introverts to maintain their mental and emotional sanity. When dealing with the world outside, we feel easily drained out, and that time every day is the time when we can replenish ourselves.

Women especially have a hard time finding the “me-time” when they have small babies or toddlers at home. You don’t need to feel guilty for not being with your babies or partner for a particular time every day. Focus on how you can make the time more productive. 

You can practice meditation, do Yoga, or nurture your creative side during that span. You can even watch a movie, read a book, or indulge in self-care activities.

Giving yourself some time to rejuvenate and recharge will help you be more present for your family when they need you the most. You will not feel like dragging yourself when your energy level is stooped low.

Don’t Feel Afraid To Draw Boundaries Around You

Don’t Feel Afraid To Draw Boundaries Around You

An introvert wish list for the new year will have how you can draw a boundary around yourself. As introverts, we need certain things. Our mornings have to be seamless and quiet, and there has to be a certain amount of “me-time” allocated to us every day.

Similarly, we will not enjoy being in a chaotic party or place very often. So, whenever someone asks you to be in places that you may not enjoy, you must ask yourself whether you want to genuinely visit those places or not. 

This is like drawing a boundary to preserve your energy and stop yourself from feeling drained out.

Learn To Say NO

Learn To Say NO

You have to honor your needs and your decisions to say NO to certain things. This is all the more important in this age of fear of missing out or FOMO. We all are on social media these days, and we may feel jealous to see posts about our friends spending their Saturday nights at the most happening pubs. 

Further, you may feel guilty for saying NO to a reunion party of your friends on the weekend. However, you don’t need to feel guilty or have a “fear of missing out” if you are saying NO to certain events to honor your needs

However, that does not mean that you have to miss every event where you are asked to be present. Ask yourself if the event is fruitful or draining for you.

Read More Books To Enrich Yourself And Boost Your Imagination

Read More Books To Enrich Yourself And Boost Your Imagination

Books have been the biggest friends for introverts for the longest time. You can do your research and enlist the books that you want to finish reading this year on an introvert wish list for the new year. It’s great if you are an avid reader. However, even if you are not a voracious reader, you need to develop a habit of reading books and devote some time to reading books. 

Great books enrich your ideas and make you familiar with different characters and how and why they interact in different situations.

Further, your imagination is improved when you read books and try to visualize the events. I 

Plan Your Weekends Well

You have to plan your weekends well so that you feel rejuvenated and get ready for the next week afresh. You don’t need to spend every weekend cooped in your house. Go out on some weekends, spend some quality time with your partner, watch a movie, or indulge in your favorite activities. 

At the same time, you don’t need to go out every weekend and have some “happening” activities. You can even have the best time at your home reading books, writing journals, or watching your favorite series. I know it’s difficult in this age when your quality of life is measured by your social media posts and the details you share about your weekend activities during weekends. 

You also must not forget that your body and mind need adequate rest sometimes. When you handle work pressure and so many responsibilities during weekdays, you must allow your body to rejuvenate your body during the weekends.

The idea is to always strike a balance and make optimum utilization of the time you have for yourself.

Attend Courses If You Struggle To Speak Your Mind

Attend Courses If You Struggle To Speak Your Mind

As introverts, one of the biggest struggles we face is that we feel shy about expressing ourselves. We think that people will judge us for sharing our thoughts and opinions. If you feel hesitant to express yourself in public, you must attend a course that will boost your confidence level and ability to speak in public

You can even try Yoga poses like Setu Bandhasana that will activate your throat chakra. With the opening of your throat chakra, you will emerge as a good speaker and good listener. So, learning Yoga poses can be another important thing on an introvert’s wish list for the new year. 

Some Other Things You Can Include In An Introvert Wish List For The New Year

You can always incorporate the tried and tested methods or habits that align with an introvert in your wishlist for the new year. Some of those habits are: 

  • Writing A Journal
  • Taking A Walk Whenever There Is An Overwhelming Feeling 
  • Growing Or Rekindling Hobbies 
  • Writing Letters 

Final Words: This New Year, Accept Yourself

While making an introvert wish list for the new year, you must not forget that accepting yourself must be the biggest resolution you are going to make. Connect to your soul, know the true purpose of your life, and be determined to achieve what you want from your life. 

Once you start working for a purpose, you take charge of your life and do not allow any external force to regulate your emotions, thoughts, words, or actions. So, be yourself and find a new you in this new year. Wish you all the best!

sibashree bhattacharya
Sibashree has been into SEO and eCommerce content writing for more than 9 years. She loves reading books and is a huge fan of those over-the-top period dramas. Her favorite niches are fashion, lifestyle, beauty, traveling, relationships, women's interests, and movies. The strength of her writing lies in thorough research backing and an understanding of readers’ pain points.

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